The Star in the Night : A Vent thread
Thread Topic: The Star in the Night : A Vent thread
November 1st, 2024
I wanna thank Shubble, a streamer/YouTuber, for coming about her story and giving me the courage to speak up about mine. She'll never see this and I know that but I want to thank her anyway. Without that, I never would've understood that what happened to me was wrong and harmful. -
I don't really feel alone in my head but I can't really see where they would be or who they are or anything so I just... Am waiting lol
Mr. Hacker is.. sort of changing how i view relationships. I'm scared the next one I might be in that hasn't even become a possibility yet is gonna be just as bad, if not worse.. Cuz everyone bad seems to like me.
I lowkey am starting to be like 'I kinda want a gf' and not a bf.. and I'm starting to feel like getting too close (yk) is probably just not gonna be for me. like i like the idea of THAT, but i much prefer the idea of cuddling a gf and kissing a girl and uhahhiuehf ahhhh
oh God is this my fem pref awakening -
chat did my toxic ex bf make me like girls more cuz wow that is a strange trauma response lmao (not bad)
it's weird cuz I like girls in the wlw way but don't think about it cuz like i've always dated guys (bad guys but still guys) and it's like where on earth did that come from
my brain fr went: bad relation with man. girls are generally nicer; that is your pref -
I need me a soft, sweet girl who is patient and kind with me fr (I will treat her like a queen, chat)
November 4th, 2024
I'm so worried about the American elections rn, my right to live and have power on my own body as a girl are being challenged by some old cheeto guy with a grape accusation against him and I just hope that Harris wins for my own safety. -
Me realizing that literally all my life, all my major memories that my brain refuses to let go, is probably things I need deep therapy for 3
I wanted to get this off my chest
November 6th, 2024
Welp, it's the day after the election and I haven't been this scared in a while.
I now have it mentally planned to move out of country because I cannot take America rn.
I don't understand how people's lives and happiness are worth less than potential money.
I don't really feel like I can fully trust or like anyone who voted Trump because that just shows the kind of person you are, to me. That you're fine letting a rapist into office and letting him run things. That you're fine letting human rights be stripped of various groups. That it's somehow morally fine to let a convicted felon into the head of the country. That racism and sexism and general bigotry is fine. Because none of that is worth the same as a few extra green pieces of paper that isn't even something we know will happen. For all we know, the economy will get even worse.
I'm going to be so glad to get out of here in two years. I cannot handle this any longer than I already have to.
Things will be rough for a while... But, we will get through this. We'll get support and group together as much as possible. It'll be okay in the end. -
November 7th, 2024
makemepureagainpleaseididn'tmeantomakemepurecleanmeoutpleaseishouldn'twanttheworstididn'twantitpleasepleasepleasemakemepureagainijustwanttobeapurelittlefawnnotsomegrosssavictimpleasepleasepleasemakemepureagain -
November 13th, 2024
My dad when I don't wanna hunt bc I don't like guns or shooting all that much (especially for deer cuz I don't use anything from deer) and I just wanna spend time with my grandpa before he's gone:
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