find your element by your spirit animal

the quiz is to see what your spirit animal is and what your element is. *farts* who cares about this paragraph you don't have to read it there is nothing to read or see here.

this quiz might not actually be your spirit animal or element *YAWN* who cares about this stinking paragraph i hate writing paragraphs they are stupid

Created by: Sophie
  1. what is your main nature?
  2. which type of animal do you like the most?
  3. how good is your character?
  4. someone is being bullied in front of you, what do you do?
  5. what is your ability in a battle?
  6. what is your main weapon?
  7. what color is your eyes?
  8. who is your mom?
  9. what color is your underwear?
  10. how will you react if someone says "follow me" to you

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Quiz topic: Find my element by my spirit animal
