Do you have depression?

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This quiz is to see if you have depression. I am not an expert. The questions are based on real symptoms of depression and what experts say. I hope this is clear.

Don’t kill yourself. If you have thoughts or have tried to harm/kill yourself. Contact SAMHSA’s number. 1-800-662-HELP (4357). If you wanna talk about it say something in the comments. I can respond but I will listen.

Created by: Bellatrix lestrange
  1. Have you lost weight from an eating problems?
  2. Do you have a feeling of despair, like nothing’s ever going to get better?
  3. Have you had suicidal thoughts
  4. Have you ever attempted suicide?
  5. Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy?
  6. Do you have sleeping problems? Insomnia\oversleeping?
  7. Have you ever thought about harming yourself, just to feel something?
  8. Have you ever actually harmed yourself on purpose to feel something?
  9. Do you have trouble concentrating? *if you have adhd then answer no unless you actually have it due to depression.
  10. Do you want to share your feelings? I can’t respond but if you feel comfortable the comment sections to my quizzes are safe spaces.
  11. Do you know somebody who has depression and/or thinking about harming themselves?
  12. Lastly, do you think I have depression?

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Quiz topic: Do I have depression?
