color test and personality test

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this quiz shows a color you got and personality. hope you like it! I suggest finding different random letter time! qwertyuiolkjhgfdsazxcvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop

just answer the questions and the magic starts and picks the best for you! if you enjoyed it then keep doing some quizzes! random number time! 123451236389265

Created by: 01_FoXy_02
  1. do you like the out doors?
  2. what do people think of you uselessly?
  3. what do you think describes you the most?
  4. do you like water?
  5. if you could wish for anything in the world it would be:
  6. what element would you want to have?
  7. do you like the thought of flying on a plane?
  8. do you get sea sick?
  9. do you get colder or hotter then most people?
  10. dark or light?

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