Are your teeth healthy?

This quiz is about: Are your teeth healthy? Sorry if you get a bad score, no quiz is completely accurate. :(I hope you have fun with this quiz, even if you get a bad score!

Hi. I'm not sure what to put here,'s your day going? My day is going pretty good. It's very sunny! So....Is it sunny where you live?If you said yes, cool! If you said no...also cool! Well, bye.

Created by: Marie2secretperson:
  1. What foods do you eat?
  2. Do your teeth ever hurt?
  3. How often do you brush your teeth?
  4. How long do you brush your teeth?
  5. How often do you floss?
  6. How do you floss?
  7. Do you throw up often?
  8. How often do you eat candy?
  9. What are your dentist habits?
  10. How many cavities have you gotten in the past?
  11. Do you think you have healthy teeth?
  12. Last question: What would you do if you were out of candy?
  13. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Am Ir teeth healthy?
