Are you ready to become a full medicine cat?

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Hello, I am an ancient medicine cat of your clan. Tonight, you have the honor of visiting my clan and having a medicine cat assessment, figuring out whether or not you are able to receive your medicine cat name. Find out if you are ready to become a full medicine cat if your clan.

If you're lucky, you will get every single herb right and be granted your position, importance and acceptance from Starclan. If not, you might have to change your path or train harder. May our ancestors watch over you.

Created by: Pebblestream
  1. Your patient has been bitten by a rat. What would you do to heal them?
  2. Some cats are leaving to travel. What sort of traveling herbs would you supply them with?
  3. Oh no! An evil warrior has fed a kit some deathberry seeds! What would you do to help the kit, and what herbs would you need?
  4. Your mentor, Brightdusk has asked you to separate deadly herbs and the healing ones. What are some herbs that can cause deaths or serious deceases?
  5. A thorn has snagged one of your clanmate's paw. What would you do to help them?
  6. Two kits have nearly drowned, but thank StarClan, they're still alive. What would you do to help them?
  7. How can you communicate with your warrior ancestors?
  8. When do you go to the moonpool?
  9. What is not part of the medicine cat code?
  10. What is not a type of a sickness that can take place among the clans?

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Quiz topic: Am I ready to become a full medicine cat?
