Are You Asexual?

There are so many people today who look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves if that's who they really are. If you're looking for some input on whether or not you are asexual, tu is quiz is for you.

Some of the answers to the questions will not affect your results. Answer honestly to get as accurate results as possible. Be honest with yourself and what your expectations would be or are in a relationship.

Created by: Vivian Sinclair
  1. What is the most important part of a relationship?
  2. (If you are attracted to MEN) You've been asked out by 3 people. Brad asked you out because he thinks you are s*xy. Charles asked you out because you're good looking. Mark asked you put because you have so much in common. Who are you going out with?
  3. (If you're attracted to women) You've been asked out by 3 ladies. Katrina asked you out because she thinks you're s*xy. Barbara asked you out because she thinks you're good looking. Stacey asked you out because you have so much in common. Who are you going out with?
  4. Where would you like to go on your first date?
  5. Do others "turn you on"? (Do you suddenly feel the urge for romance if you see someone attractive?)
  6. Would you like to get married some day?
  7. By the way, how old are you?
  8. Do you think you're asexual?
  9. What trait do you find the most "romantic" in a person?
  10. If someone asked you to run away with them so you could be happy, what would be that thing that makes you happy?

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Quiz topic: Am I Asexual?
