A tom cats love story, pt 1

Hi, like I said in my first quiz, I made a tom love story for all ya’ll tom’s that are missing out ;) any who. I hope u like it and stay tuned for part 2 👍. Oh, btw, you are named Hawkpaw, ur mentor is Lionfoot and ur in thunderclan in the old forest.

Also, I would just like to acknowledge CalicoCat’s “A tom-cat love story (part 1) I was looking for my quizzes and I found yours, I thought, ‘hm, that name for that quiz sounds familiar’ so I read the description, reading that made me feel sooo happy Ty :)

Created by: Silvershade
  1. Read the beginning paragraphs.
  2. (Warning, I AM SO SORRY! I FORGOT TO ADD A: u don’t like any one result, if u don’t like any one just pretend it said that ok?)
  3. “Hawkpaw!” Yells Lionfoot from across the training hollow. “That’s enough battle training for the day, why don’t you get back to camp and see if the elder’s need help with something?” “Ok.” You reply. On the way back to thunder clan camp you smell something, you angle your head towards the smell, and you see a HUGE brow-and-gray squirrel nibbling on a nut under a beech tree, you think…
  4. Before you can move there’s a blur of light gray, and in a second another apprentice is there proudly holding the squirrel’s limp body in her jaws. “Hi Cloudpaw.” You mumble “Hi!” She replies around the squirrel, your about to say something when a voice comes out of a fern clump behind you, “Very good Cloudpaw! That was an excellent catch, first choice at the prey pile for you!” Its her mentor, Snaketail. (What were you about to say before he interrupted?)
  5. After getting back to camp and checking on the elders you are excused for the day. You take a mouse from the fresh kill pile when a white and black she-cat strolls by you. It’s Daisypaw, it looks like she’s headed to the nursery, probably asking if any of the queen’s think the den needs any more patching. You…
  6. (If you asked her to share prey with u answer this one, if not: choose skip.) “hey, Daisypaw,” you say, she looks back, “oh, hi Hawkpaw, done battle training?” “Yup, I was wondering if you’d want to share prey with me?” “Oh, I’d love to, I just need to finish patching a small spot in the nursery, be right back, bye Hawkpaw.” You…
  7. (Now this is for if u chose ‘Ask if she need’s help patching up the nursery’ if u didn’t choose that answer click skip.) “hey, Daisypaw,” you call to her, she looks back, “oh, hi Hawkpaw, do you need something?” “No, um, I was just wondering if you needed some help patching up the nursery” her eyes light up “I do! Thanks for asking, the small little bits are the hardest, I’ll do some while I wait for you to finish your mouse.” Daisypaw walked off again, you…
  8. (And If you chose ether ignoring her or eating your mouse, yeeeeeeeaaaaaah, you just ate ur mouse and did whatever.)
  9. *time skip: one moon* you are on a border patrol near four trees with your mentor, the deputy Snowstream, another apprentice named Cherypaw, and Cherypaw’s mentor Stoneclaw. Snowstream and Lionfoot had scented some prey and went off to look for it. While Stoneclaw marked the border Cherrypaw asks “do you have any tips for battle training?” You chuckle “nope, do you have any for me?” She nodded, “Well first we’d have to be in a battle for me to see what you need improvement on.” “Be careful what you wish for.” Said Stoneclaw, who, when you looked over, had his muscles tense and ears pricked. “What is it?” You ask coming over to him “Windclan” the growl had barely left his muzzle when a group of wind clan warriors laps through the bushes, claws out, and looking very un-friendly. “Why are you here!” Stoneclaw hissed at them, beckoning Cherrypaw to come over to him. “Windclan… has decided that they are tired of being pushed around.” Said the brown tom in the front, he had a long scar on his muzzle that started at the tip of his nose and ran down to the base of his neck. You…
  10. You remember that cats from a gathering, his name is Scareface and from the gossip you heard, he was a very popular thought on who should be deputy. “Hawkpaw,” Stoneclaw says in a very forced calm voice. “Can you get back to camp with the prey we caught along the patrol?” Your confused for a moment, ‘what prey?’ You think you look over at Cherrypaw to see if she knows what he meant her eyes were narrowed at the Windclan cats but she must have sensed you looking at her because she looked over and made a jerking motion with her head. You follow what she had indicated, the windclan patrol, it had five members, four of them were fully grown warriors, and the other, an apprentice. A calico she-cat around your age. “Hawkpaw.” Stoneclaw hissed quietly “r-right.” You shudder realizing what they meant, they meant go back to camp to get backup. You rush off into the brush towards camp. Halfway there you bump into Snowstream and Lionfoot. “Going back to camp?” Asked Snowstream somewhat suspiciously “yes- I mean kind of- I mean you should get to the others while I, um get other warriors.” “Woah, slow down Hawkpaw, what happened?” Asks Lionfoot, you take a deep breath and explain what…
  11. “What do you want?” You growl at her “I- I wanted to tell you, um, that there’s another patrol Hiding where the fight is, in case of you getting back ups.” “Why are you telling me this?” You say eyeing her up and down. She stood tall “Because I don’t agree with what Skystar is doing and I want his to know that he’ll just loose more warriors if he continues.” You look behind yourself to make sure this wasn’t a surprise attack and by the time you looked back, she was gone. You went back to camp and shared the whole story with Pheasantstar and led a big patrol of thunderclan warriors back to where everyone was. The battle ended soon after that leaving most of them with only minor injuries, until you heard everyone crowding around someone. Pushing your way through the crowd you look down and gasp at what you see… you see
  12. You see, Cloudpaw, with here eyes bloody and scratched. Snaketail was at her side “Someone!” He yelled “help me carry her back to camp!” Movement in the crowd of other cats pushes you forward not wanting to back up and look selfish you stutter “I c-can try to help” “good” *quick time skip like 5 days later* your sitting outside the medicine cat den with Cloudpaw the blood on her eyes was gone and the scratches would heal, but Medowcharm, the medicine cat, said she would never fully regain her sight. “Never.” She was whispering. She tilted her head so it was facing your direction “Hawkpaw… do you understand what that means?” “Um… no?” You say regretfully “it means, I won’t be able to be a full warrior.” She choked out “hey, it’s ok Cloudpaw.” You try to comfort “I bet it won’t be that bad.” She looked at you and made a face that said: ‘Oh really? Being completely blind and not aloud to do any training isn’t going to be ‘that bad’’ your chat with her is interrupted by the leader calling a meeting. You look at Cloudpaw and see that she doesn’t want to go. “Come on.” You say gently. You put your tail across her shoulders to help guide her over to a place to sit.
  13. Pheasantstar was on high rock as she yowled to all the clan gather beneath her “Windclan has crossed the line, they broke part of the warrior code and have permanently maimed one of our apprentices. But, Our apprentices fought hard and well in the battle and I believe they are worthy of full warrior names.” *completes naming ceremony* (you become Hawktalon, Daisypaw=Daisyfern, Cherrypaw=Cherryheart, and Cloudpaw=Cloudeyes. Also fast forward to gathering, the leaders argue and the calico windclan cat became a warrior (Morningflight)) just as the gathering was ending a low growl parted from the bushes at the edge… it was a CLIFFHANGER stay ready for part 2

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