zombocalypse part 2

Theres people..my people...my story ...i need to defend them.from dead people,who eats flesh...drinks blood....my group...is my family..no one touches them!!!

Are you guy who is leader?or guy who is sniper?neither maybe you are the chosen one.your group is your family and you need to defend them.am sure youl find place to hide.

Created by: david
  1. You:jonathan...are you bitten? Jinathan:yes i am.. got bit but you didnt saw so....your choice... you
  2. Truck stopped.jonathan is dead...You see group of people and you get out of truck.They point guns at you.one guy with beard comes and asks name
  3. Group invites you and take you to base.theres snipers on the roof.its big supermarket.you see woman looking at you.Man:thats leader.shes name is carley .youl join our scouts or snipers?
  4. Man:call me peter.first of all lets meet others.this is Ben-leader of scouts.David-leader of snipers.George-he make sures defence is high.he barricades doors and windows.we will meet others soon.but Unknown:Help ZOMBIES COMING IN you :
  5. George is baricadin windows.Carley is protectingmain door.David is killing zombies with snipers.Ben is gathering supplies. You
  6. You:peter what the hell are you doing..? Peter:what did you said?!choose words am defending group
  7. Zombies broke 1 window.Ben:Window broke!carley over here!Carley:am coming.hey new guy!protct door.
  8. Zombies broke door.you
  9. Peter:everyone out!we are leaving!get in bus new guy!you are in bus.peter said you are a--hole.your reaction

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