zombocalypse part 1

What will you do when apocalupse starts..make group....rob people..or just kill zombies?make your own story..what will you become?banndit...hero...or just aguy who doesnt care about people

Are you hero who helps people?are you bandit who kills people?are you guy who doesnt care about anyone?find it yourself.. and make your own story by asking questions

Created by: david
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You were going to village with your wife susan.something strange happend.police didnt let you in.the car exploded!susan is bleeding!what will you do?
  2. You get susan out of place and hide in a small house.theres machete on table.you find a baseballl bat.then you find a small hunting knife.you pick up
  3. Man cames in house and yells:Are you trying to rob me?! You:
  4. Man tells you:ok i thought you were robbing me.i am Jonathan.if yoy help me get gasoline for my truck,il help your wife
  5. Jonathan:ok theres the shop.go in there grab gasoline and run... you:why? Jonathan:you dont want to get trouble with those dead people.. you: are those zombies? Jonathan:yeah..
  6. Jonathan:ok.you got gasoline.lets go to hospital,there might be bandage for your wife. You
  7. Jonathan:zombie horde!we got to run! You:into the
  8. You
  9. Jonathan:they are getting in! You
  10. Final choice: Jonathan:Help zombie got me susan:i need help zombie is coming! You have two bullets in your revolver and zombie is coming for you

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