zombie survival

zombies are harsh and are great in numbers. but are you? find out how well you can survive, is your mind as sharp as a sword or only meant to be zombie bait?

surviving an outbreak is more than fighting the zombies, and running like the wind. despite what you may think you need to find safe places to rest and keep track of large amounts of food. being smart is much better than muscle. do you know why?

Created by: abdel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you hear there is an outbreak of zombies. what is your first move?
  2. you run out of food and need to find more. what is your next action?
  3. weapon of choice?
  4. which house hold item would you take with you when you need to leave
  5. someone in your crew as been infected. what to do?
  6. the area in which you live in?
  7. you must ransack a house for more food and supplies. how would you do it.
  8. would you go in groups? if so how large?
  9. your trapped in a room filled with about 10 zombies. the room is quite large but there aren't many spaces to hide. the zombies are slow and searching for you, hearing you breath and knowing your there. you only have a gun(6 bullets), blankets and a set of large knives.
  10. its been a few years of harsh fighting. you picked up a few people to protect and try to save whats left of the world. what now?
  11. how do you feel about killing zombies?(before the outbreak)
  12. how do you think you'd react to a zombie after the outbreak(few months later)
  13. you've ran out weapons. and found a chainsaw. use it?

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