Zombie Survival Quiz

A Zombie Apocalypse probably won't ever happen, but, what if it did? Try this quiz to see the possibilities of you surviving if this were to ever happen.

This quiz has simple questions to ones that you will have to use your mind to answer. What would you do if one of your friends got injured in your group?

Created by: Qwf9dspa

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How tall are you in feet and inches?
  2. What is your Body Type?
  3. How populated is the area that you live in?
  4. More accurately, what type of place do you live in?
  5. How far away is the nearest location to purchase food?
  6. How little sleep can you get a night and still be functional the next day?
  7. What are the deadliest weapons that you have at your house?
  8. Out of the listed below, which would you most likely do first in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse?
  9. Say you and your best friend are surviving together. Your friend falls and hurts his leg, over 10 zombies are closing in. He has many supplies on him. Which of these would you do?
  10. Two of your friends have gotten injured. One has more gear but the risk of saving them is higher, the other is in your family. What is your approach?
  11. You find a group of armed survivors that demand you give them your things. You don't have enough time or have the chance to attack them. What do you do?
  12. You are armed with a rifle and find a peaceful, unarmed group of survivors. They have a lot of food. What do you do?
  13. You have gotten bitten by a zombie. What do you say to your fellow survivors when they ask you about your wound? Telling them the truth could cause you to be kicked out, but also a chance of them accepting it.
  14. You can only carry one of these items. Which do you choose?
  15. On of the people in your group is infected, they beg that you let them use your Med-Kit. You are suffering from a cut that has a chance of getting infected. Who uses it?
  16. A survivor in your squad tells you that there is an un-scavenged store a few miles west. This survivor has lied to you before and you aren't sure whether to trust his claim. What are your actions?
  17. You can choose one of these three vehicles to take on a short trip into a town. Which do you take?
  18. You can choose between four routes to take to a large store. Which one do you take?
  19. A survivor never returns home after a search for supplies. You know where he could have went, but there is a big risk. What do you do?

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