Yu-Gi-Oh GX Personality Test

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This is a Yu-Gi-Oh GX personality quiz designed to test both your dueling and your social life skills and compare it to the charectors on the tv show.

There are no right and or wrong answers and every question should be answered truthfully not based on who you want to get, some answers may even reveal shocking results.

Created by: raventheblack

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite monster type?
  3. What's your favorite kind of music?
  4. What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
  5. What is your favorite mythical animal?
  6. What's your favorite kind of weapon?
  7. What is your favorite dueling location?
  8. What's your favorite Card type?
  9. What's your favorite type of story?
  10. What is your favorite drink?
  11. What is your dueling strategy?
  12. Which of the following monster effects do you like best?
  13. What is your advantage?
  14. Are you a good duelist?
  15. Your favorite movie monster.
  16. Your favorite accessory or clothing.
  17. How you want your hair style?
  18. How do you want the duel to end?

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