Your wand length

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Do you ever wonder what is your wand length? Is is your first year and you are trying to get your wand at the closest Olivander? With this quiz youll know exactly your wand legth.

This quiz is 100 percent muggle repelled. Ive searched through all internet to have the most accurate quiz for wand length out there. Thank you so much for taking your time!

Created by: Sabrina of my instagram
(your link here more info)
  1. How tall do you consider yourself?
  2. How tall does other people consider you? (for example: do your friends call you small? etc)
  3. How do you hold your wand?
  4. How quiet are you in class?
  5. if someone in your class randomly talks to you do you...
  6. What is the best trait people say you have?
  7. What house are you in? (this does not affect your results!)
  8. ONLY SLYTHERIN AND GRYFFINDOR: 1. Why are you a slytherin? 2. Why are you a gryffindor?
  9. ONLY HUFFLEPUFF AND RAVENCLAW: 1. Why are you a hufflepuff? 2. Why are you a ravenclaw?
  10. extra question! (because i need 10, but it wont affect anything) Do you prefer the books or the movies of Harry potter?

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Quiz topic: My wand length
