Which Creepypasta guy loves you?

Every creepypasta guy must have a crush, right? Who would fit with YOU? Is it Jeff the killer, Ben drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack or Laughing Jack?

To find out, just take this test! Btw, many characters like the Pupeteer, Hoodie and Slenderman arent included because i just cant imagine them dating. Now Masky, thow, is MINE!!!!!! Haha just joking! No i am not. {takes out gun and starts clening it while grinning like a wierdo}

Created by: EspressoProxy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Me: So, Jeff, would you like to ask a question? Jeff: what is your weapon of choice? EVERYONE: cliche
  2. Me: So, EJ, your turn EJ: Can i have your kidneys? Me: Dont answer that EJ: Cmon! Fine, what is your favourite color?
  3. Me: Ticci its your turn. Do you like waffles? Toby: You said it was my turn! Me: You where going to ask that. Toby: Huh, guess your right
  4. Me: Well, LJ, lets see what you want to ask. LJ: Do you want to some of my candy? Me: Answer with no. Its for your own sake LJ: {looks angrily at me}
  5. Me: My turn! Slenderman: May i ask a question? Me: Fine Slenderman: Who has the best backstory? Oh, and sorry, i am not included in this test.
  6. Sorry, i am all out of questions...
  7. So, who do you like the most, Clockwork, Jane the killer, Sally, Judge Angels or Hoodie?
  8. Ben: Can i ask a question? Me: Go ahead. Ben: Do you like video games?
  9. Masky: What is your killing strategy? Me: Good one babeeeee Masky: Stop.. You are scaring me Me: Okay babeeee Masky:.... Help???
  10. This question wont affect your score, but who would you want to date?

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