You smarter than me?

You are smart. Or you wouldn't have a computer/laptop. You probably are smart. I ususally make more fun quizes dan a test, but here I go, my first "Test" quiz!

My Quiz is about how smart are you to me? I have an advanced animal brain. So, it's abotu animals. And m second favroite subject after Science, HISTORY!!! So, answer these questions, & find out how smart you really are...

Created by: DragonWolf123
  1. True or False A Kangaroo is only 5mi/hr less than a racehorse
  2. How many "fingers" are on a Panda's paw?
  3. True or False Raccons wash their food before eating it.
  4. True or False Roosters crow once a day
  5. Do mosquitoes bite?
  6. How long do most Mayflies live?
  7. How long can a albatross fly?
  8. How do frogs swallow?
  9. How much can an ant carry? -- times it's weight?
  10. What's secial about the basilisk lizard?
  11. The [one] hardest of them all... (IN LEGEND) who is Jesus's wife?
  12. Whose Jesus's Daughter? (IN LEGEND)

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