Would we get along?

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I will, since this post, have deleted some of my former quizzes (or, at minimum, not have them in my account). I am Forest, and I made this test to see how you align with both my interests and my important values!

My most important values consist of tolerance and compassion, and just not being a bad person with uninformed and hurtful opinions. Since this is just a test to do with my values, BE HONEST. There's no 'Woops, you didn't get a good result, time to [get hurt]!' here. There will be mentions of things such as mental health, LGBTQ+ rights, Dream, grooming, and other subjects. Please be careful. Whatever result you get, I hope you enjoy! Without further ado, let's begin!

  1. First question, as a wonderful opener, what are your pronouns?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What do you think about nature? Animals, areas, settings, etc.
  4. Butterflies are spirits of passed away loved ones. Do you agree?
  5. We're about to get into more important values of mine, including some political standpoints, human rights, and some less important things revolving around cringe culture and Twitter drama. If this will bother you, please leave. Thank you, lovely!
  6. Since I'm horrible to ease into things, let's just jump right in. How do you feel about the fight for equal rights? (In LGBTQIA+ people, POC people, women, etc.)
  7. Trans surgeries and hormones should be included in healthcare plans, and should be easier to get. Do you agree?
  8. Trans women are women and belong in women's spaces, trans men are men and belong in men's spaces, and non-binary people aren't men or women (but may be masc or fem) and belong in neutral spaces.
  9. Would you respect a trans persons' pronouns and name(s), even if they are neutral terms, neopronouns, or anything else that may seem 'abnormal'?
  10. What is an ideal world?
  11. Is mental health important?
  12. How do you treat autistic people, truly?
  13. Are you one of those reddit idiots who have a random issue with the /s tone tag?
  14. How do you treat people with mental issues? (This includes: Bipolar disorder, BPD, depression, autism, ADHD, etc.)
  15. Do you agree with the statement: "LGBTQIA+ kids and teens deserve the same respect as their older community"
  16. What is your opinion on non-binary identities and xenogenders?
  17. What is your opinion on alterhumans and/or otherheart? (Google these if you don't know what they are)
  18. Is being gay a sin that people should repent for?
  19. Do you respect all religions, even if it's not one you follow? (This is not including cults--This DOES include Satanism, Paganism, Christianity, Muslim, or anything else.)
  20. Gender is a social construct, people should be able to identify as what makes them most comfortable as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
  21. Are endogenic systems valid?
  22. Do you believe in cringe culture?
  23. Are you pro-choice or pro-life?
  24. Are you pro-BLM or no?
  25. Trans lives matter, yes or no?
  26. Xenogenders are valid, yes or no?
  27. What is your opinion on Dream? (The Minecraft YouTuber)
  28. Did Dream groom anyone?
  29. Have you actually looked into Dream controversies and make solid opinions based on facts?
  30. Now, for less stressing questions that help determine things. These will not have an effect. Why are you taking this quiz?
  31. Give women's jeans pockets PLEASE. #stopfakepockets
  32. I forgor 💀
  33. Girls love my swaggy tism
  34. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  35. I hope you enjoyed this! Remember, just because these are MY personal values, doesn't mean they are yours. Even if you get a bad result, I respect you.

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