Values-Based Harry Potter Sorting Quiz

This quiz is only based upon what you value, not what you are or are able to do. This means that you reflect upon what you are drawn to, and who you want to be in the future, not who you are.

Almost all of these questions are painfully obvious to which house they belong to. It's supposed to help you reflect upon your values from different points of view, so the trick is to be as impartial and honest as possible.

Created by: Sunflower
  1. Four people have a heated argument, you find yourself agreeing with;
  2. I'm convinced to do something if your argument centers around;
  3. What is your enemy?
  4. My deepest fears centers around;
  5. I love stories...
  6. (be honest) the characters I love the most have a character arc centered around...
  7. Everyone is a villain in someone else's story. Who are you the antagonist to?
  8. How do you defeat evil?
  9. The characters I love...
  10. One who follows their _______ will be happy.

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