Would J.c. Caylen date you??☁️

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tell me something did you come out of the smartest people ever.... Guinness world record.. You will be able to tell what your score is in just a moment...

Created by: Ellen1122
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you like skateboarding,penny boarding,etc.?
  3. Do you prefer adventure or Netflix? ( BE HONEST)
  4. Do you like sports? Pick two....
  5. Do you wear hats often? If so which one?
  6. Can you do a backflip?
  7. which wrist does jc have a cloud tattoo on?
  8. What year did he start o2l?
  9. When is his b-day?
  10. Last but not least, what is his dog's name?

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