Will you take over the world someday? | Comments

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  • I think when I rule the world, I'll take out capitalism, end world hunger, and make sure the wealth is spread equally.

    But I may not rule the WORLD...

    I do have a goal though. Rally up an army of people who agree with me, lead them into the march to take over a region, and run it the way we all want to. Which is my way if they're agreeing with me.

    One-party system, kill the capitalism, and send anyone who opposes the hell out of my land!

    And if I die in battle before reaching that goal...it was still a brave death, and that's what counts.

  • Your Result: you will be victorious!!

    you somehow either earned the trust of the people, or somehow got rid of the other leaders and dominated. good job!! you succeeded in world domination! you just have to find something to do with the world now..

    Normally I would call the Grammar Police on you, but I'm feeling magnanimous today.

    E Lunatic
  • Your Result: you will be victorious!!

    you somehow either earned the trust of the people, or somehow got rid of the other leaders and dominated. good job!! you succeeded in world domination! you just have to find something to do with the world now..

    Lol ok nice 2 know ^.^

  • There are tons other quizzes where I can barely read what they are trying to communicate to you. This wasn't that bad compared to them.

    I can take over the world!!

    Hey, mr. passerby! CREST ON BIRDMAN'S HELMET!!!!

  • Needs better grammar

  • I meant "send anyone who opposes these ideas the hell out my land."

  • So it says I will be victorious.


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