will you pass this test?

This quiz is quite hard to get a passing score, it'll require lots of time. I bet you will pass with effort, but if you mess one thing up, its suspension.

Are you intellegent? Take this quiz to find out, there is a few math questions and questions about me make it even harder >﹏< but don't worry, you'll pass.

Created by: blakefiregaze
  1. What hand do I write with?
  2. 1004+2756= ?
  3. What's the square root of 225?
  4. What's 61 squared?
  5. How long did I have Instagram for?
  6. About how many % of cats are allergic to humans??
  7. Do I have facebook?
  8. Am I very tall?
  9. The car was travelling at 50 miles per hour then stopped after twelve minutes. How far did I go?
  10. What's the odds of dying in a car accident?
  11. Guess how much I get per year.

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Quiz topic: Will I pass this test?