Whitch SuperPower Do u have?

Good Job

If you don't know what your power is take this Quiz and find out

Created by: C8C16

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favirte Fruit? (out of these)
  2. Favirte Sport?
  3. Favirte Star Wars espoide?
  4. Favirte Dog breed?
  5. Favirte Board Game?
  6. Favirte Football Team? (NFL)
  7. Favirte Colors?
  8. Favirte kind of Cookie?
  9. Favirte family of Insterment?
  10. Favirte Season?
  11. Favirte kind of Book?
  12. Favirte Candy?
  13. Favirte Subjet in School?
  14. Favirte Buddy?
  15. Favirte Ernset Movie?

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