Which youtube series should you be part of?

Welcome to the Born2BWeird YouTube series quizathon thing. If you're reading this description, thank you. If not, I shall insult you until you do. One last thing before you start...see paragraph 2.

WARNING: The questions in this show extreme and sheer randomness. You may ask at some point: Was the maker of this quiz on drugs or something when he made this?

Created by: Joshi001

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You're now taking the Born2BWeird YouTube series quiz. This will help decide which series we're making, if any, you should be in. Pick a series.
  2. Comedy or Drama?
  3. Are you competitive?
  4. Are you a good singer?
  5. Do you play any instruments?
  6. Have you ever created your own animation?
  7. Would you make a good "Body actor" for Halo or Brawl?
  8. Do you have a voice worth hearing?
  9. Which kind of job would probably suit you?
  10. Go back to the first question. Which of those did you not like the sound of?
  11. Would you be able to read a decent script and record your lines for it?
  12. Do you think this quiz is getting long (no effect on score)?
  13. Would you cheat in a contest?
  14. Would you take up singing/playing an instrument as a profession (job)
  15. Choose a famous name.
  16. Choose a video game character
  17. There are 4 main members for Born2BWeird who we've given nicknames so that people don't know who they are. Who would you choose to be judged by?
  18. Do you think that Dr Cuddles is a nice person, or is obsessed with destroying things?
  19. What about Timmay?
  20. How about Conehead?
  21. And me (Joshi)?
  22. Are you getting bored now (no effect on score)?
  23. Do you swear a lot?
  24. There are 30 questions in this quiz (excluding what is your age and gender). Are you happy that you now know this is nearly over?
  25. What sort of character would you be best to play the part of?
  26. I'm running out of questions to ask. Are you happy about that?
  27. Do you have a band?
  28. Which musical do you like better?
  29. Last two questions. Are you ready to get your results?
  30. Final question. Do you like pie?

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Quiz topic: Which youtube series should I be part of?