Which TV Detective Are You?

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Our favorite fictional detectives all have their own unique flair and personality. How you solve a puzzle or handle a personal situation says a lot about you.

How do you stack up? Where do you fit in when it comes to solving a mystery and fighting crime? Determine your strengths and weaknesses by comparing yourself to a famous crime-fighting sleuth!

Created by: Jarrett of this site
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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you receive a complaint from a victim, what is the first thing you do?
  2. Generally, you find that most people are:
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. The world would be better without:
  5. Something you might bring to a knife fight is
  6. People see you as:
  7. Your favorite mode of transportation:
  8. Your usual uniform includes:
  9. Which crime would you let someone get away with?
  10. You are most annoyed by:

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Quiz topic: Which TV Detective am I?