Law and Order: SVU- Are you like Detective Benson?

There are lots of people in this world, with lots of personalities. Does your personality or appearance match the one of N.Y.P.D's best female cop, Detective Olivia Benson. Let's find out...

Are you like Detective Benson, can you pass for an awesome, pretty, kick butt cop. Until now, it may not have crossed your mind. Now, you can finally put those last few minutes of wonder behind you and take the quiz.

Created by: name2choose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you independent?
  2. Do you have trouble with relationships?
  3. Are you one to side with a victim or perp?
  4. Kids: your thoughts?
  5. Do you like Detective Stabler?
  6. Does fear stop you?
  7. Do you like helping people?
  8. The next questions are based on appearance. They don't mean as much. You ready?
  9. Hair color?
  10. What's your hair like?
  11. What's your body shape?
  12. What's your clothing style?
  13. Do you wear makeup?
  14. Would you be able to handle sex crimes and gory stuff that Olivia deals with?
  15. Do people constantly think and say you're beautiful?
  16. Do you care about your appearance?
  17. Adios, amigos!

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Quiz topic: Law and Order: SVU- am I like Detective Benson?