Which president is the best for you??

This quiz will first see how politically aware you are and how stupid you might be...... It will also determine whether or not your republican or democratic we can only hope for the best!!!!

If this quiz offends you in any way.....TO BAD DONT TAKE IT!!!! I dont not take any responsibility for hurt feelings, changed opinions, and or nothing of either one!!!

Created by: JD
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you for or against amnesty?
  2. Do you prefer controll of our country or are you fine with giving the UN the power to ocntrol our actions?
  3. Do you wish to pull our troops outta Iraq or do we leave them there and keep on fighting?
  4. Do you want the government to spend your Social security money to help itself or do you want your money back when your ol;d and cant work??
  5. Do you care about whos the president??
  6. Do you plan to vote?
  7. What do you think of this quiz?
  8. Which candidate do you prefer?
  9. Do you consider yourself politically aware?
  10. If clinton or obama wins what will you do?

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