Which Less Common Stereotype are you?

First there are your average high school stereotypes: the nerds, the jocks, the popular kids, the emos, etc, and there are more than enough quizzes to figure out which one of those you fit into.

But if you want something a little different, this quiz is four you. Take this quiz and find out which one out of the LESS COMMON high school stereotypes you fit into!

Created by: potto
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What can be found doodled in the margins of your exercise books?
  2. Where are you most likely to be found?
  3. Who do you admire most?
  4. Pick a TV show and the reason why you like it
  5. If you could be stuck on a desert island with one person who would it be?
  6. Pick a movie...
  7. How would you describe yourself...
  8. Favourite thing to do...
  9. Pick a song...
  10. Your favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: Which Less Common Stereotype am I?