Which Hunger Games District Are You From?

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If you've read or watched the Hunger games you know there are twelve Districts, and might be wondering where you would live. Take this quiz and find out! Enjoy!

This quiz determines whether you would be in District 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11 or 12. In just thirteen easy questions! Please leave a comment if you like your result.

Created by: Eleanora Reed
  1. Do you enjoy spending time in nature?
  2. Are you very smart or tech savvy?
  3. What are you doing on the weekend?
  4. Are you an animal person?
  5. Some people have been talking about you behind your back, what do you do?
  6. Would you volunteer at the reaping?
  7. What describes you best?
  8. What's your worst quality?
  9. What's your strategy in the games?
  10. Would you rebel against the capital if it meant you might lose your life or become an Avox?
  11. What is something you are good at?
  12. What District would you want to live in?
  13. Would you rather get to travel all the time or get a horse?

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Quiz topic: Which Hunger Games District am I From?
