Which horror movie quote is it?

There are many people who like horror movies but many few who love horror movies. Are you among those few experts whose life revolves around horror movies?

Are you horror movie royalty? Do you have what it takes to become a master of the macabre? Well why don't you take this quiz and find out. Well what are you waiting for. Go on.

Created by: Itsfreddy
  1. "You got a letter. I got run over, Helen gets all her hair cut off, Julie gets a body in her trunk and you get a letter. Well that's balenced!" Which movie?
  2. "Ha ha ha ha, ch ch ch ch." What movie?
  3. "I see dead people." What movie?
  4. "A boys best friend is his mother." What movie?
  5. "Youre gonna need a bigger boat." What movie?
  6. "Listen to them, children of the night. What sweet music they make." What movie?
  7. "They're all going to laugh at you." What movie?
  8. "They say I have shed innocent blood. But what's blood for, if not shedding." What movie?
  9. "Hi, I'm chucky. Wanna play?" What movie?
  10. "Yeah, I killed my mama. One night. It was my 14th birthday. She was drunk. Hit me with a whiskey bottle. I shot her. I shot her dead." What movie?
  11. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." What movie?
  12. "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice cihanti." What movie?
  13. "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep." What movie?

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