Which Fcer are you?

Are you up for this? I put blood in this, you bets be ready. LOL jk I just want to see the results. So, let's see if you're an FCer, from the ones I picked. Only YOU will know why.

Well, well, well. Let's see if you can pass off as someone I like, or dislike. Hmm, could you be C, or G? FIND out with this quiz. Gahhhh I don't want to write more. Just take it. ;)

Created by: DoomsWay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you go into FC, which topic that would be lurking around would you click on?
  2. You would describe yourself in FC as...
  3. Your views on AL in FC?
  4. Honestly, do you think there are populars in FC?
  5. Do you like the new FC, owned by emilygonewiild?
  6. You are most likely to make a topic about..
  7. You found out someone you love made the fcdeathwishlist. What do you do?
  8. How much time you spend in FC?
  9. You write a story and nobody responds with "more!" What'cha gonna do?
  10. Are you ready for the...RESULTS?!?! DUN DUN DUN!

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Quiz topic: Which Fcer am I?