What type of FCer are you?

This quiz was made to give people an idea of what other think of them. Please remember that this doesn't quite mean anything. You are what you say you are.

This quiz was made out of pure intentions. It was made to be a fun experience. I'm sure through out this quiz you will find the questions and answer have a fun side to them.

Created by: Tara of Stardoll
(your link here more info)
  1. If someone said they were hacked, what would you do?
  2. Your usual topic is...
  3. I look up to...
  4. My favorite color is...
  5. I have adopted...
  6. Fashion Club is...
  7. When it comes to populars?
  8. Are you scared of "What type of FCer" you are?
  9. What would you do if FC was deleted?
  10. What would you do if you got banned?

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Quiz topic: What type of FCer am I?