It takes alot to be a drama student, one needs to be skilled, bold, confident and not at all shy, mostly all of us do but a few have more which drama class all-star are you?

You think you a drama class all-star, if so which one are you, are u a whitty alisha, spunky april, off the wall kashani or a crazy SCREAM! wanna find out?

Created by: Scream

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you look on/in Dr.Taylor's dest what are u most likely looking for?
  2. What Was Your favorite Character in the one act competition
  3. Who are your favorite people to talk to in class
  4. How long does it take you to say your name
  5. Is it easy for you to make your voice sound like someone old?
  6. Is it easy for you to make your voice sound like a baby?
  7. Which of these catch phrases do u like the most
  8. If your late for class what are u most likely doing
  9. Where is your favorite place to sit
  10. What role do u play in working on putting plays together

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Quiz topic: WHICH DRAMA STUDENT am I?!