Where are you on the intelligence map?

There are many smart people in the world, but very likely you are not one of them. But, maybe you are. Try this fabulous quiz and see where you are on the genius map! This quiz is suppose to be fun, so don't get discouraged with your answer!

Are YOU a true genius taking a walk in this world without a clue that you are a smart person? Do you put yourself down? Well, stop now and do your best! I bet you can reach genius level if you can believe it!What are you waiting for? Try it!

Created by: Kyrochimaru
  1. What continent is Japan located on?
  2. 30 bids are on a pole. You shoot one. How many are left?
  3. Is France cool?
  4. Follow this pattern What comes next? 1...5...9...13...17...21...?
  5. You have 5 carrots. You take away two. How many do you have?
  6. What numbers can you multiply to get to 21?
  7. A man walks 4 feet in one hour. How many inches is that?
  8. You let your sister borrow something important to you. It is time she has to give it back, and she wants to keep it. What do you do?
  9. How many hours can a human go without food or water?
  10. What effect happens always when we get mad?
  11. Why is it important to get good grades?
  12. What is your favorite color?
  13. Should you read frequently?
  14. What feeling should you mostly be?

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Quiz topic: Where am I on the intelligence map?