Whats your Magic Topia creature?

You are in Magic Topia, but you don’t know what your creature is. In this quiz you get to find out what creature you actually are, and learn more about your creature.

Get ready to start your quiz and find out what creature is in your soul, waiting to be found. There will be ten questions, so there’s not to much pressure. Hope you enjoy, now let’s start this quiz!

Created by: Chion Pineapple
  1. Pick your fruit
  2. Your friend is hanging off a cliff. What do you do?
  3. What’s your style?
  4. What’s your favourite food group?
  5. Your lost in a forest. What do you do?
  6. Pick an animal
  7. Your about to get defeated by your greatest enemy in the battle. What’s your move?
  8. If you were to rate your favourite movie, what would you rate it?
  9. Imagine you had the only source of water in the world. What would you do with it?
  10. What colours do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Magic Topia creature?
