What Warrior Cat Clan Leader Are You?

This quiz will allow you to find out which Clan leader you are from the totally awesome series: Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter.I would definitely recommend these books to anyone who hasn't read them.

In this quiz you will find out which of the following you are most like: FireStar, CrookedStar, TallStar or BrokenStar. I hope that you have lots of fun taking this quiz.

Created by: Esther Burnside
  1. What would be the ideal napping place be?
  2. What is your first choice on fresh kill be?
  3. What colour pelt would you like?
  4. If you had the best den, how would you treat it?
  5. Would you want to...?
  6. What role would you want to do in your clan?
  7. If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  8. If you woke up somewhere completely different to where you fell asleep, where would you want to wake?
  9. What way of transport would you want to use?
  10. If you were visited by StarClan in a dream, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat Clan Leader am I?
