What Virtue are You?

Humans are a virtuous people. We are capable of anything from courage to patience. Within each of us is a virtue that is holds true in every situation.

This quiz offers a series of real life situations that help determine which of your virtues reign supreme. Are you diligent, honorable, generous? Take this quiz to find out which is your best virtue?

Created by: Cristina
  1. When a beggar asks you for money...
  2. When a person asks you for advice on a romantic relationship they are unhappy with, you say...
  3. If a person cuts you off in traffic...
  4. At work, if someone else gets the promotion you wanted...
  5. If someone is angry at you for absolutely no reason...
  6. You have to do volunteer work...
  7. You want something that you can't have...
  8. They establish a new rule at work/school that you don't agree with...
  9. Your motto is...
  10. Your other motto is...

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Quiz topic: What Virtue am I?