What type of player are you in DayZ?

What type of player are you in dayZ?

What type of player are you in dayZ?

Created by: 123456
  1. What is the most important item to carry around at every time?
  2. Pick your weapon
  3. Choose your skin
  4. You see the enemy coming with a car! Where do you aim?
  5. How calm do you consider yourself to be?
  6. Do you like giving orders?
  7. Do you prefer teamworking or soloing?
  8. Choose your map!
  9. Do you like to rush the enemy up front?
  10. A firefight is taking place inside a town. Pick your position!
  11. Do you enjoy fixing vehicles?
  12. You decided to start playing an mmorpg! Pick your class!

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Quiz topic: What type of player am I in DayZ?