What Type of Parent Are You?

Parenting is different in every family, as every parent exhibits different parenting styles. A parenting style is a parenting behavior and attitude that sets the emotional climate of parent-child interactions.

Some parents, are strict rule setters who expect complete and immediate compliance from their children. Others are more likely to allow their children some leeway in following the standards they have set for them. The degree of parental warmth, support, and acceptance versus the degree of parenting control and demandingness are two major factors when observing these different parenting styles.

Created by: Andrea
  1. Your son hits another child at soccer practice. You would...
  2. Your son and his friends have made a big mess in your playroom and now want to go play outside. You would...
  3. If your pre-teen daughter wants to rent an R rated movie that her friends have all watched, you would...
  4. Your daughter is putting off going to bed because she says that she wants something to eat, and you...
  5. When your kids don't do their chores you...
  6. When your kids whine and have tantrums you...
  7. If your kids get in trouble, you...
  8. Your son wants a new toy at the grocery store, so you...
  9. If your preschool age daughter has a nightmare and wakes you up, you would...
  10. The main goal of parenting and discipline is to...

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Quiz topic: What Type of Parent am I?