What type of Assassin are you?

The assassin is a paid killer. A creature of evil and chaos who thrives in the pits of depravity scattered across the world. But some killers are above the regular calibur.

Are you a killer with a heart of iron or a child with a body of feathers. Could you be a great assassin, or are YOU just like all the rest. Find out your destiny....

Created by: Gareth Chapple
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the most important human attribute?
  2. What is your social status?
  3. Which one of the characteristics below describes you best?
  4. What is your favourite book from the ones below?
  5. Are you?
  6. Are you a twisted person?
  7. Favourite animal?
  8. Do you respect the law?
  9. Do you place your trust in...?

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Quiz topic: What type of Assassin am I?