What type of assassin are you

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This is a assassins creed quiz to see what your play style would be like and to see if your play style was right before you took this test and discover that you could be the deadliest assassin in the world

You will need to know a lot about the game if it you won't know many things about this quiz and I think that would be kinda embarrassing right so be sure you know what assassins creeed is

Created by: Paul
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see four bad guys what do u and your squad of 4 do
  2. Your group is under attack your teammates are almost dead what do you do
  3. You and your team located the apple of eden and is in YOUR possession what do you do
  4. You discover the shroud of eden but you know you will die in of a deadly disease
  5. You have to collect 4 paintings and find the one that is real and not fake
  6. What is you favorite weapon
  7. You and your team have discovered a dagger that can destroy worlds and inslave humanity
  8. Which assassin do you like the most
  9. you see your family about to be hung what do you do
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What type of assassin am I