how much do you know about assassins creed?

there are good games, but if you like fighting, assassins creed is the best. jam-packed with wall-running, assassinating people, pick-pocketing, its a very good game!

do you play assassins creed a lot? do you read the books and pay attention to every detail? with this quiz you can find out! take this fun quiz to see if you know all about assassins creed!

Created by: jack boardman
  1. what blade does ezio auditore gain first?
  2. in the book series which comes first?
  3. what was his uncles name?
  4. who wrote the prince?
  5. ezio auditore died of what?
  6. the secret crusade was about which assassin?
  7. is assassins creed about thieving?
  8. to inject poison from the poison blade you had to do what?
  9. did you like my quiz?
  10. is Claudia(ezio auditore's sister) an assassin?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about assassins creed?