What school type r u?

School groups. Every school has them and every school has the same ones. u r either a popular, a nerd, or a neatral. Im a neatral. Want to know what u r? take this quiz!

R u a popular? do u have what it takes to be a nerd? u may be a mean popular and i hope this quiz will teach u a lesson. remember this quiz for real social school life cause everything i say here, is personal experiance.

Created by: Troy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u always wear the latet fashion?
  2. Do you do sports?
  3. What type of guy/girl do u like?
  4. What r ur grades?
  5. What is ur prefered job
  6. y r u friends with who u r friends with?
  7. do u care about ur image?
  8. What does the word "POPULAR" mean to u?
  9. What does the word "LOSER" mean to u?
  10. How do u think fo ur self?
  11. What do u hope this quiz says about u?

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