What's your sitemodel name?

There is a new profession - sitemodelling. Why aren't you in on it? All you need is a camera, a photo editing software, and a face! You have a face right? Okay, great.

Do you wonder what you would call yourself? Elsie Enchanted? Dacey Darling? NO! Those are taken. But this quiz will find you an amazing sitemodel name to use in your efforts. Good luck - say CHEESE!

Created by: Jess
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is your name starting with A, C, or M?
  2. For these next questions you pick one of the two - okay? Are you ready?
  3. Mustard or Roller Coasters
  4. the color purple or the number forty-six?
  5. the word "coterminous" or orange flavored seltzer?
  6. Your mom or the place "fiji"?
  7. Facial hair or portebello mushrooms?
  8. Poop or trident gum?
  9. Noogaboogatooga?
  10. boogers or celery?

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Quiz topic: What's my sitemodel name?