What's Your Music IQ

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This is just for fun. Some random questions off the top of my head while I try to recover from post-vaccine fever/chills. See how you do! I tried to make sure there were a bunch of "freebies" in there, in addition to some totally silly ones, and just a few that would be super impressive if you knew the answer to. So go ahead and take it...I dare ya! 😄

(Wuh-oh, it's telling me I have to write another long paragraph or else. Well I really don't know what else to say! Hmmm....a very difficult task. I mean, why is this necessary? Okay let me see if this is enough words now ...

Created by: Anna
  1. True or False: The key of C Major contains one sharp
  2. True or False: Modal scales are not the same as minor scales
  3. True or False: Beethoven was a dog from a movie, not a composer
  4. John Coltrane and Bill Evans are stylistically similar jazz artists
  5. A major third consists of four consecutive half steps
  6. The F Major scale contains an E-flat
  7. The D Major scale contains two sharps
  8. Dominant chords can be found in jazz music but not Classical
  9. The Lydian Dominant Scale is used in Baroque music
  10. The oboe is a double-reed instrument
  11. Mozart was a 19th Century Finnish bassoonist
  12. JS Bach's first name was Jeremiah
  13. GF Handel composed "The Marriage of Figaro"
  14. Antonio Carlos Jobim is a composer of Latin Jazz
  15. The saxophone is a single-reed instrument
  16. A sonata is a multi-movement work
  17. Elton John was trained in classical piano as a young boy
  18. Nora Jones is a renowned opera singer
  19. There are 3 types of minor scales in classical music
  20. The "natural minor" scale is the minor scale most commonly used in classical music
  21. The "melodic minor" scale in classical music is different ascending than it is descending
  22. The "melodic minor" scale used in jazz is the same ascending as it is descending
  23. George Michael was trained in classical cello as a young boy
  24. Thelonius Monk wrote "All the Things You Are"
  25. McCoy Tyner is a famous jazz trumpet player
  26. Miles Davis is a famous jazz bassist
  27. Erroll Garner was a famous jazz pianist
  28. Yo-yo Ma is a professional violinist
  29. The Berlin Philharmonic is the 4th largest orchestra in the world
  30. A violin is larger than a viola
  31. A flugelhorn is a brass instrument
  32. "Take 5" was composed in 5/4 time
  33. An "arpeggio" can only be performed on a few instruments
  34. A singer who is considered "flat" needs to change keys

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Quiz topic: What's my Music IQ
