what religion should you be

do you want to know what your religion is well look no further be cuase i have the answer ................................................................................................................................................

in this quiz you can either be christian, satanic, or wiccan im useing wicca to refur to all pagan religions.......................................................................................................................................

Created by: pergitory
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like nature
  2. do you like to read books that really are hard to read
  3. do you like being normal
  4. how often to you go outside
  5. how do you feel abou gay people
  6. do you feel like no one understands you
  7. are you goth emo or punk
  8. do you think that there is one or many gods
  9. what do you think bout the KKK
  10. are you unsure about what religion to be appart of
  11. what happens when you die

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Quiz topic: What religion should I be