what naruto chacter are you in real life?

If you every wonder if you are a naruto chacter this is the quiz for you And if you like this then please rate it it place relly life things you do and then you you see if you get.

PLease have fun and enjoy this little quiz I made for you and all those people who like Naruto and will trun and see if you are sasuke, sakura , neji,kakashi.

Created by: lee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is mst imopant to you?
  2. What do you do in you spare time? do you do in your
  3. What is your favourite accerious?
  4. What elment d oyou like/
  5. WHat sdo you like out of these?
  6. What is your mode likly to be every dayz?
  7. What do you like to watcch?
  8. Do you go out doors??
  9. Do you read?
  10. When you go shopping what do you buy?

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Quiz topic: What naruto chacter am I in real life?