What Kind of Sinner Are You?

Sin does not constitute a belief in a higher power. Sin is an innate state of mind that is extremely difficult to overcome. As long as a person has instincts, he or she will sin. Sin can never be overcome. Overcoming sin is like correcting vision. Some people can have laser surgery, some contacts, and some are forced to wear it on their face like glasses.

What kind of sinner are you? Are you immersed in sin, or do you simply dabble in it? Are you hurting yourself or hurting others? Now, you can find out how deep of a sinner you are. Just take this quiz.

Created by: Joe Haire
  1. Someone in your family is in a serious relationship with someone they love. You do not like the person they love. You feel the person in your family would be better without their lover, so you...
  2. You are at a party and someone you have never met is giving you bedroom eyes. This person approaches and propositions you. You...
  3. When a person dies, he or she...
  4. You win the lottery. You...
  5. Your parents die. They have no will. As the oldest child, you inherit everything by default. You...
  6. People are making fun of you because they assume you are an idiot. You...
  7. Your car breaks down on the way to work. If you miss any more work, you will be fired. You...
  8. You are taking this quiz to...
  9. Your God walks into the room. You...
  10. God paints a picture of you. It...

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Sinner am I?