What is your true name.

A lot of people think they're true name is the the one that is given to them but those people are wrong. You have a true name that was not christened to you by your mum and dad.

So what is your true name? Do you want to know your true name at all.If you do than step right up because knowing your true name is just a few clicks away.

Created by: Zand3rCat
  1. What do you love doing
  2. What is your favourite game
  3. What do you do at break time
  4. There is an essay on what do you do for fun what do you write
  5. writing brilliant or boring
  6. Playing pranks good or dangerous
  7. Playing bulldog exciting or tiring
  8. Favorite subject
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz
  10. By

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Quiz topic: What is my true name.