Mainah...or From Away?

There are many people who think that they are "Main-ahs." However, very few actually are. If you were born somewhere else, or if you moved away from Maine at too young of an age, you have no idea what you missed.

Do you think you're a true "Mainah?" Or do you think this is an amusing little game that some people play? Well it's not a game! This is real life! And this is probably the only way to tell a fraud from a true blood! Take this test with other "mainers" and see how well they do!

Created by: Josh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to give directions to a tourist, who is far from his/her destination, your "go to" response would be...
  2. After 11pm, there are only 3 places to go in the entire state if you are under 21. The favorite of these is...
  3. My favorite food is...
  4. My favorite song to hear around thanksgiving is...
  5. The one thing you never touch in your mother's house is...
  6. A place that you would never go for dental hygiene reccomendations is...
  7. The state of Maine got electricity and running water in the year...
  8. The state of Maine's most prominent effects on the civil war were...
  9. In the event you would like a sandwich, you choose...
  10. New Hampshire is...
  11. As of 2005, one of the hottest political issues was...
  12. Poland Spring is...

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