What Is Your Thunder Rating?

Come one, come all! Determine your status in the Romance-sphere! It has come to my attention that Thunder is not reliable when rating others relationship-potential. I contacted the nice folks at DHARMA and they helped me whip up this nifty test.

This quiz will help you determine what your Thunder Rating is, based on a system created by Ceb. Once you know your Thunder Rating, you are guaranteed to never struggle with romance again. At the most, you'll forgive yourself for giving up.

Created by: Cabin of Lostpedia
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In your opinion, is rasslin' fake?
  2. Since when has it become okay to get a girl drunk just to have sex with her?
  3. What is your ideal nickname?
  4. If I'm a 6 and you're a 6, we should...
  5. Where do animals go to make eggs?
  6. Does the Nintendo exist?
  7. The stick up your butt is for twirling. True or False?
  8. Most couples are...
  9. Have you been known to invent numbers?
  10. Realism is...

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Quiz topic: What Is my Thunder Rating?